Nebraska RAW High School Powerlifting
Providing High School Students with an Opportunity to Lift
Frequently Asked Questions
Why powerlift?
Powerlifting is an engaging and rewarding sport and is more than just moving weight. The sport of powerlifting is a community of people who look to better themselves inside and outside the weightroom through hard work, dedication to their craft, and overall knowledge of healthy training. The fundamentals learned in powerlifting can be easily applied to everyday life.
What does "raw" mean?
"Raw" powerlifting means lifting without equipment or gear designed to lift. Squat suits, body suits, knee wraps, and bench shirts are not prohibited for use in our meets. We have found that lifting raw produces stronger, healthier lifters and look to continue that trend.
Who can lift?
Everyone! We encourage everyone to get in touch with their school representative to know if there is a powerlifting team. If there is no representative, send us an email. We will do what we can to get you lifting the day of the meet!
Is it safe?
Powerlifting is a highly technical sport. With proper coaching, powerlifting is safe. We also ensure the safety of the lifters during the meet with a minimum of three spotters per lifter. Safety is our top priority and is not taken lightly. We will do anything in our power to keep the lifters safe! If you have suggestions on how to further safety, please email us.